Happy New Year from the Nathanael Greene Wooden Classic. This nice picture was sent in by reader and fan favorite Walker Barnes. Barnes mounted a impressive attack on the Pearl Trophy last year before pulling up lame due to a tweaked hammy. Barnes is now fully recovered and surveyed the Battle of Guilford Courthouse over the holiday. The battle is considered one of the most decisive of the Revolutionary War. We see one problem with this pic, and that is the lack of a gagging Cornwallis under hoof. We would like to thank Walker for sending in this pic. Unfortunately for Walker, his chances of winning the 2008 Nathanael Greene Wooden Classic is comparable to the chances of the British winning the Battle of Cowpens.
We would like to invite others to mail in "bits of Nathanael Greeene" that they see in their everyday lives, be it a pic, a poem, or simply a thought. Email them to nathanaelgreenewoodenclassic@gmail.com